HRRS Network
Access a network Recruiters across various Countries
JOIN FREE NOW to begin recruiting today!
Work from home
Access to premier employer openings
Make placements faster
Global reach
Get access to hundreds of open positions that would have been difficult for you to get access to. You can start referring qualified candidates immediately to our fulltime, remote or contact openings. No need to wait for companies to approve you as a vendor. We connect you with openings at premier employers, so you can fill jobs fast, make more money and focus on what you do best: finding talent!
With HR Recruiting Network, you have control over your own schedule, your own earning potential, and your future, plus with all the benefits of working from home.
You will.......
Save Time: No need to drive to and from work every day.
Save Money: On gas, your office wardrobe, childcare, and eating out, etc.
Flexible & Portable: An ideal choice for those who need flexibility. Arrange your work schedule around your life? Agents can take their business with them if they move, making this an ideal opportunity for those who are looking for flexibility.
Reduce Stress: Say goodbye to the traffic and the long commute, annoying coworkers, a difficult boss, office politics, missing dinner with your family, or just lack of control over your work day?
Be Your Own Boss: You are your own boss. You decide when, how, and how much you work, and you can build your business to be what you want it to be. Your performance determines your success!
It is time to start working from home with HR Recruiting Network. Instead of working on someone else's terms, you could be running your own independent business providing virtual recruiting services to top companies and brands.